Tuesday 22 March 2011

Pygmy Seahorse

The Pygmy Seahorse is something to be seen. Well thats if you can. The first time i saw one (i didnt know what it was - it was so tiny) our guide (Alfred) pointed out something on a Gorgonian (fan coral) and he seemed to be intent on showing me what looked like just another piece of fan sticking off so i took some photos (haha hard to get a good shot of something ~1cm long when you dont know what your focusing on) it was only when we surfaced 40 mins later when he asked what i thought of the pigmy seahorse did i realise - then i was devostated i missed it - lucky milne bay is pygmy seahorse a plenty as long as you ahve the right guides to point the little guys (and girls) out!!!

 Milne Bay Pygmy Seahorse

Bargibanti Pygmy Seahorse

Denise's Pygmy Seahorse

Just a reference so you can see jsut how tiny they really are .... I know those finger look giant but they are not... these little Pygmy's are only the size of your fingernail!! (oh and the Milne Bay Seahorse - even smaller!!!)

Can you spot him?

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